A common topic that is used daily in representing heterosexual relationship...couple. But does it halal or harem, on the first place? Do we know is it allowed? Based to our religion, In Islam, give love each and every Muslim is a must, but there is a few rule that is need to be follow, if not, destruction of human civilization would happen.Human naturally love different gender and their opposite sex. So, as a result, rules about human relation is exist. So through that position human would know that life is not like animals; eat,sleep and produce offspring, but more than that. Human are civilize creatures so in that case they will need to follow rules and Sharia so their life will be in real position as a Human. Based to the question...in my opinion, couple is legal...but whats make it to be illegal is because they do something wrong in their relationship. For instance...couple after married is the most beautiful couple, because we can do 'anything' legally.
Agreed! :)